Elm Ridge Rates

Water Rate Schedule for the Elm Ridge service area.


Meter Size Monthly Base Rate Gallonage Charge

10.00 Per Adult 

5.00 Per Child




# in family # of adults # of children Adult gal. total Child gal. total Total Gallons Basic Payment
1 1 0 2573 0 2573 10.00
2 2 0 5146 0 5146 20.00
2 1 1 2573 1922 4495 15.00
3 2 1 5146 1922 7068 25.00
4 2 2 5146 3844 8990 30.00
5 4 1 10292 1922 12214 45.00

Additional Usage Charge in Gallons


10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00    
1-2573 2574-5146 5147-7719 77.20-10,293 10,294- 1,867    


Monthly Charges Amount 
Regulatory Assessment Fee (TCEQ Mandated Fee) 1% of the monthly retail bill 


Miscellaneous Fees

Decriptions Amount

Late Penalty

A one-time penalty may be made on delinquent bills but may not be applied to any balance to which the penalty was applied in a previous billing.


Meter Test Fee

This fee may be charged if a customer requests a second-meter test within two years and the test indicates that the meter is recording accurately.
