Conservation is an essential tool in managing our diverse supplies of high-quality drinking water.
In the Kitchen/Laundry Room
Equip faucets with aerators. Installing aerators on kitchen and bathroom sinks can reduce indoor water use by up to 4%.
Don’t leave the water running if you hand-wash dishes. Fill the sink to wash and rinse dishes.
Wash full loads only. You'll save on water by waiting until you have a whole load of laundry or dishes.
Replace your clothes washer. New high‐efficiency clothes washers can reduce water by up to 40%.
Check for leaks. Customers can monitor water usage, check for leaks, and set up alerts for unusual usage through the WaterSmart customer portal. Sign Up today!
In the Bathroom
Fix toilet leaks. Toilet leaks are easy to identify and fix. To test for a toilet leak, place a few drops of food coloring or a toilet dye tablet in your tank; wait 15 minutes. If the color appears in the bowl, you have a leak.
Replace your old toilet. If your toilet is from 1992 or earlier, you might have an inefficient model that uses 3.5 gallons per flush or more. Consider replacing it with a improved high‐efficiency toilet. A new model uses 1.3 gallons per flush or less.
Take a 5-minitue shower instead of a bath. A full bathtub can use 25‐70 gallons of water, while a five‐minute shower uses 10-25 gallons. If you take a bath, stopper the drain immediately and adjust the temperature as you fill the tub.
Install low‐flow showerheads. Replace older showerheads with new efficient models that use 2.5 gallons per minute or less. Older models can use up to 7 gallons of water per minute and waste thousands monthly.
Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving. Turn off water while you brush your teeth and save up to 4 gallons a minitue. That's up to 200 gallons a week for a family of four.