Development Process
- Payment = Action requiring payment by Developer
- Signature = Action requiring signature by Developer
- Information = Action requiring submission of information by Developer
Process Steps
- The developer contacts Texas Water Company to determine if water is available in the area of the project.
- Texas Water Company determines if the property is within the current CCN, if service can be provided, and if additional offsite improvements may be required to provide service to the property.
- Texas Water Company responses to the developer with initial findings and asks if the developer wishes to proceed.
- [Signature, Information] Developer agrees to proceed and provides additional information as necessary to Texas Water Company on water requirements for development - Number of EDUs, fire-flow requirements, etc.
- Texas Water Company issues a Letter of Intent to Provide Water Service to development and request for deposit.
- [Payment, Signature, Information] Developer signs and executes the Letter of Intent and submits the deposit so that Texas Water Company can begin preliminary engineering of all offsite improvements.
- Texas Water Company begins preliminary engineering of offsite improvements and develops a preliminary cost estimate.
- Texas Water Company drafts Developer Agreement including preliminary costs to Developer following current TCEQ tariff. [Signature] Texas Water Company and Developer finalize and execute Developer Agreement.
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[Information] CLWSC Engineering Department works with Developer's engineer to complete, review, and approve all off-site and on-site water systems proposed improvements. Off-site improvements cost estimates finalized. - [Payment] Developer pays in full all fees following Developer Agreement.
- Texas Water Company issues Water Availability Letter to County.
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Off-site improvements constructed.
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On-site improvements constructed. - Actual construction costs determined and applied in accordance with Developer Agreement.
- Developer’s account reconciled against initial fees paid vs actual cost.
- Developer issued a credit or invoiced for outstanding balance on fees associated with Developer Agreement.
- [Payment] All final fees paid or credits issued.
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[Information] As-built documents received in both paper and electronic format from Developer’s contractor/engineer. - Letter of Acceptance of facilities issued by Texas Water Company.